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2025 12th Annual Bolting Symposium Schedule (January 7th-9th)
Tuesday - January 7th (End User Only) Wednesday - January 8th Thursday - January 9th
Time Session Time Session Time Session
8:00 End User Introductions
Group Discussion
8:00 Introduction
Scott Hamilton (VSP)
8:00 Ring Joint Flange Deformation and Continuation of a Study on Graphite Oxidation
Carlos Girao (Teadit)
8:30 8:30 How Accurate is Torque?
Barrett Meigs (VSP) & James Province (Houston Fastener)
9:00 Bolting Bingo
Scott Hamilton (VSP)
& Barrett Meigs (VSP)
9:00 9:00 Industry Update
Frank Blake (Former Deputy Secretary of US Department of Energy)
9:30 9:30 Determining Load Loss Factors for Tensioning
Charlie Gregory (ITS) & Brett Thibodeaux (Citgo)
10:00 Break 10:00 Break 10:00 Break
10:30 Bolting Therapy & Panel/Bring Your Topics to Discuss!
Pannel Discussion
10:30 Update on Bolting Inspection Certification by API
Andri Orphanides (API)
10:30 Proof of Concept - Stress Measuring Gasket
Matt Hinman (EPRI)
11:00 11:00 Heat Exchanger Case Study
Adam Collier (Marathon)
11:00 PCC-1 Update
Kelly Schupp (Methanex) & Brett Thibodeaux (Citgo)
11:30 11:30 11:30 Closing
12:00 Lunch Break 12:00 Lunch Break 12:00 Feel free to schedule times to meet with us or with anyone you want to in our conference area!
12:30 12:30 12:30
1:00 Importance of monitoring the “bits” in flange reliability.
Barrett Meigs (VSP) & Ben Hantz (Valero)
1:00 Limiting Factors - It's Not Always the Flange
Bradey Baird (
1:30 1:30 1:30
2:00 Incremental Reliability: Working the right side of the decimal.
Group Discussion
2:00 Optimizing Turnaround Tooling and Equipment
Mike Burton & Aaron Moody (Industrial Bolting)
2:30 2:30 2:30
3:00 Break 3:00 Break 3:00
3:30 Magic Show: disassembly and assembly cheats!
Andy Smith (VSP)
3:30 Second Annual Bolting Hall of Fame Presentation
Scott Hamilton (VSP)
4:00 4:00 4:00
4:30 Networking Session 4:30 Networking Session 4:30
5:00 5:00 5:00
5:30 5:30 5:30
6:00 6:00 6:00